Outside Lands Festival
Heineken House Totems
For the Outside Lands Festival, we created totems to distribute at the Heineken House. Since totems are a huge part of festival culture, we wanted to incorporate the idea of being able to find your friends into our activation. Attendees would acquire one of the totems, find its match in the crowd at the Heineken House, post a picture on Instagram (#HeinekenHouse) and receive a free beer.
Inspiration for the bottle designs came from the Outside Lands own branding, San Fransisco street art/graffiti, the 60's psychedelic posters inspired by Art Nouveau artist Alphonse Mucha, and San Fransisco's vibrant culture and historic landmarks.
Above: First Draft, Right: Final
North Coast Festival
Heineken House Totems
Inspiration for the bottle designs came from North Coast's own branding, playing upon the technological and futuristic elements displayed in their existing designs.
Option 1
Option 2 (Final)